Whose Stuff?

Who Number One-
My name is Sara. Like Say-ruh, with out the "h"! I have a beta fish named Micah and my favorite color is Caput Mortuum. The scent of Parmesan cheese makes me nauseous. I once single-handedly broke both bones in my right arm simultaneously- I have beautiful scars! I'm more pale than Bella, and can burp louder than most men. A good cup of coffee makes me a very happy girl! I'm addicted to pinterest, random quotes, stupid puns, and music♫ I'm a grammar nazi. I'd much rather be barefoot. Starting in the fall, I will begin full time college majoring in Christian Counseling :) How does that make you feel? Haha JK! I've currently been dual enrolling for the last five semesters... as a home school student. WAIT, DON'T RUN AWAY! Homeschoolers are people too lol No- I'm not socially awkward, Yes- I have friends, No- I don't dress like a nun. I'm a pyromaniac with aichmophobia and arachnophobia.
Welcome to the clumsy/energetic/garrulous life of Sara! C:

Who Number Two-
My name is Hannah..not like Hannah Banana or Hannah Montana...just Hannah Belle. I love the smell of fresh cut green grass in the morning..golf greens that is. FORE! I also have a beta fish. His name is Obadiah...because Oh! He Be Dyin. Get it? Haha. Obadiah and Micah are best fish friends! They are Wal-Mart rescue fish. Did you know what bone in your body is not attached to another bone? *insert Jeopardy music here* That right..it's your Hyoid bone. Speaking of bones...I plan on being a medical missionary in the future, or you know running for President. I have a cute button nose according to everyone and The 4th of July is my favorite holiday even though...I'm terrified of fire. Welcome to the dainty life of Hannah.

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